Hybrid Ranger

Hybrid Ranger

The Hybrid Ranger is a collaborative effort between Ranger Proof Gear and Johnny Glocks from initial design to production.
This is one of the smoothest operating triggers we have ever seen or built. Simple to install, remove, and 100% American made.
It fits ALL models and generations of Glock including the smaller 42, 43, and 43X.
This and all triggers we make may not be drop safe with the PSA DAGGER Glock clone. We have seen cases where the cruciform does not sit firmly on the safety shelf.



We are proud to finally announce this trigger design. It incorporates many aspects of the other triggers we offer but is a completely different trigger. This is a collaborative effort between Ranger Proof Gear and Johnny Glocks from initial design to production. Johnny Glocks is not only the best Glock Whisperer in the business but some damned fine people. You….are going to love this trigger whether you buy just the shoe from us or Johnny Glocks complete drop in from them.

  • Rounded edges and no hard lines.
  • Incapsulated trigger safety with smaller trigger finger footprint.
  • Smaller finger retention nob at bottom of trigger face.
  • Diamond cut trigger face for finger retention during hard shooting, sweating, and wet conditions.
  • Softer safety pull when engaging.
  • Chamfered spring hole for trigger safety eliminates “clicking”
  • Reduction of pre-travel to negligible levels.
  • Reset is crisp and succinct.
  • No more set pins. Installation is done with an allen hex screw and can be removed without pin pusher or other tools. We provide the hex tool.
  • Installation is now super easy.
  • Honey comb laser cut on sides. It makes anodizing look EXCELLENT.

Just like all the other triggers we currently offer, all 3 safeties engage perfectly. This is one of the smoothest operating triggers we have ever seen or built. Simple to install, remove, and 100% American made. We source it with American metals and build it with American hands. Even the bags they come in are made in America. This doesn’t matter to some but it does to us. We can bling it or subdue it.

In this design, we removed the roll pin safety and spring retention and made this a one-sided Allen set screw. After the application of Loctite, this Allen screw will NOT move. It is flush with the outer wall of the shoe and can be removed to exchange trigger safeties.
The trigger pull maintains the Glock factory poundage of about 5.5 lbs however, the pre-travel is eliminated and when the trigger safety is depressed you are “at the pull wall”. The rubbery pull associated with a Glock trigger is gone, no more sandy, gritty, pre-travel to go through. It is a stable platform that will enhance your trigger pull. The “polymer wobble” is gone. Trigger reset is a very distinct click both via hearing and feel.
The design of all three triggers is to eliminate pre-travel and have an accentuated reset. It typically does NOT reduce poundage. The pull poundage will remain in the 4.9-5.5 lb. The triggers are 7075 aluminum and absolutely stop the inherent “polymer wobble” stock Glocks have. The trigger is stable, firm, and offers the diamond cut finger pad for consistent finger placement. These triggers were built to last forever and function flawlessly. If they don’t, see the warranty below.

This is where our Attorney’s head explodes. Our warranty has NO caveat. None. No disclaimer, no excuses, no blame. If you don’t like the trigger, we own it. We will either refund your money or replace what you don’t like. And I really don’t care why. You pay $94 for a trigger it better work. It guaranteed we will make it right. That guarantee has no time limit. Try getting that from one of our competitors


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